Let’s first clarify the biggest misconception, Option A and Option B bathrooms are not referencing Type A and Type B dwelling units found in multifamily housing despite the use of a similar naming terminology. It's common for most people to confuse Option A with Type A or think Option B bathrooms are Type B units, but that's not the case.
Option A and B bathrooms are in reference to the two bathroom layouts permitted in Type B covered dwelling units in order to meet the accessibility requirements.
Option A & B bathroom layouts are required in all covered dwelling units found within R-2 residential projects in every city and state across the country. Option A & B bathroom layouts will not apply to hotels or single family homes.
The architect has the choice between these two bathroom layouts when designing Type B units, regardless of the number of bathrooms within the covered dwelling unit. Neither the building code nor the accessibility code have scoping language requiring one bathroom layout be provided over the other. The code citations in this discussion will be referencing ICC ANSI A117.1-2009.